Wilmington News-Journal, Spring 1966 - Troop 747 is Young New Vienna Troop
New Vienna Girl Scout Troop 747 - Spring 1966
First Row, left to right–Beverly Brooks, Mary Lou Dean, Julie Murphy, Clara Sears, Mashell Laymon, Colene Larrozollo, Ruth Ann Johnson, Becky Sears. Second row–Becky Stoops, Pamela Penn, Betty Walker, Kathy Wolfe, Teresa Flint, Joan Pinkerton, Vickie McKenzie, Dana Faris, Jane Stoops. Third row–Krista Hamilton, Kay Dean, Barbara DeVoe, Serena Uible, Lois Berwanger, Paula Hall, Bambi Helterbran, Peggy Stoops, Ethel Rollins. Back row–Patty Edison, Debbie Baker, Bonnie Wolfe, Debbie Davis, Teresa Clear. Debbie Tolle was absent.
Troop 747 of New Vienna held its first meeting Nov. 2, 1965 and had investiture day, Dec. 23. All of the girls are new to Scouting, but are making fine progress. As a Troop they are completing the Action Citizen Badge.
This is one of the Troops started because of Serena's plea for Girl Scouting in New Vienna in a letter she wrote.
There are six patrols, each patrol working on a badge, and girls working on individual badges toward earning the Sign of the Arrow.
There are 31 girls in the troop and their leaders are Mrs. Warren G. Murphy, Mrs. Robert Johnson, Mrs. Scott Custis and Mrs. Henry Penn.
The troop visited the Clinton County Courthouse and county jail and went on a hike at the Fallsville Wildlife. They meet in the Lions Club building and are sponsored by the Lions Club.