Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April News from "4" Years

A busy month in New Vienna from a burglary in 1884, a proposed new road 1904, the beginning of Doc Noble's Drug store 1924, Graduating class of 1944, and a wide assortment of "news" and personals from Mabel Davis in 1954 and 1964.  Stay tuned to find out what happens in the month of May.
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1884 Apr 2 Daring Burglary in New Vienna - A.B. Beard's grocery and hardware store business was broken into during the night.  The safe door was blown up and $40 was taken.  The thieves then stole Dr. Trimble's horse and buggy and left town.  They were traced as far as New Antioch.  Officers still hope to capture the guilty parties. --Wilmington Journal 2Apr1884p3

1904 Petition for new county road
1904 Apr 6 New Vienna news includes mention of following names: Elma Brewer, Mattie Lupton, Rodney Lloyd, Louie (Louise?) Brewer, Addie Johnson, Mary Hoskins, I.W. Matthews. --Wilmington Journal 6Apr1904p6
1904 Apr 6 G.E. Priest sells New Vienna Reporter to D.W. Callahan. --Wilmington Journal 6Apr1904p5
1904 Apr 6 Albert Van Pelt & Tasso Terrell petition for new county road. --Wilmington Journal 6Apr1904p6
1904 Apr 27 Fred Arthur (NVHS'03) accepts position as security guard at the St. Louis World's Fair, Edward Thornburg dies, pioneer resident of New Vienna. --Wilmington Journal 27Apr1904p1

1924 Apr 4 Cyril Noble will soon locate in New Vienna as the leading druggist in the village. --Hamilton Journal News 4Apr1924p10

1934 Apr 24 Bank robber fatally shoots banker, H.M. Saylor in SOUTH Vienna (Clark County), but the news originally reported the robbery occurring in New Vienna.  This was one of seven bank robberies in Ohio in 13 days. --East Liverpool Evening Review 5May1953p1 & Manitowac (Wisconsin) Herald-Times 20Apr1934p1

1944 New Vienna News Masthead
1944 Apr 5 Mrs. Carl Deck, Correspondent; Francis Wade, Carrier & Circulation Agent --Wilmington News-Journal 5Apr1944p6
1944 Apr 27 NVHS Graduation will be May 23 with Thurman "Dusty" Miller as speaker.  The 20 graduates include: Christine Caplinger, Marjorie Hackathorn, Georgiana Lacy, Betty Jeanne Roush, Joan Rulon, Elizabeth Ann Sayre, Jane Selph, Frances Joanne Smith, Jennie Carol Swingley, Clarence William Chesnut, Neil G. Felheim, Charles Sargent, Eugene F. Jones, Robert E. Sonner, William T. Lamar, Franklin Smith, Philip J. Levo, Calvin C. Smith, Wilbur Morris, Jr, and Harold L. Prickett, Jr. --Wilmington News-Journal 27Apr1944p10

1954 Apr 1 Mabel Davis Correspondent, Philip Baker, Carrier. Lots of visiting.  --Wilmington News-Journal 1Apr1954p17
1954 Apr 2 WSCS, Sunshine Stitchers, Glenn McElwee, & more. --Wilmington News-Journal 2Apr1954
1954 Apr 3 25 years ago (1929) new automatic telephone service goes into operation. --Wilmington News-Journal 3Apr1954p4
1954 Apr 5 Farm Bureau, George Shaffer & NVHS science class give program at Grange, etc. --Wilmington News-Journal 5Apr1954p9
1954 Apr 6 Home Builders (Church of Christ), Methodist Youth Fellowship, etc. --Wilmington News-Journal 6Apr1954p3
1954 Apr 7 Leland Huffman, Etta Selph & Linda Eltzroth (Compton) have birthday parties & more personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 7Apr1954p14
1954 Ad for Avon Theater
New Vienna, Ohio 
Wilmington News-Journal 
•Wednesday, Apr.7, 1954
1954 Apr 8 Guest list for Mrs. Alfred Purtee's Stork Shower; Mrs. Franklin Sayre's broken leg visitors; Mrs. Joe Ryan and Beverly Bernard celebrate birthdays. --Wilmington News-Journal 8Apr1954p14
1954 Apr 9 Always Faithful Class and Personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 9Apr1954p9
1954 Apr 9 Fire Destroys Residence: Carlos Achor residence in Clark township destroyed by fire.  New Vienna fire department pumper broke down. --Wilmington News-Journal 9Apr1954p1
1954 Apr 12 Auburn WSCS, Grange, Penn Township Council and personals --Wilmington News-Journal 12Apr1954p13
1954 Apr 13 Carey Streber home from Air Force; H.L. Carey's have dinner party; Cub Scouts and more. --Wilmington News-Journal 13Apr1954p5
1954 Apr 15 Baptist Mission Society and personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 15Apr1954p17
1954 Apr 16 Tarry-A-While club, U&I Class (Mt.Olive), and personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 16Apr1954p10
1954 Apr 19 OES (Eastern Star), Grange, Masters family hosts dinner, & more. --Wilmington News-Journal 19Apr1954p4
1954 Apr 21 Mary Fleming family dinner, Tim Stackhouse released from hospital. --Wilmington News-Journal 21Apr1954p4
1954 Apr 22 Farm Bureau, Grange, Eastern Star, Personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 22Apr1954p7
1954 Apr 23 Henry Waits & friends enjoy checkers, personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 23Apr1954p7
1954 Apr 24 8th Graders present history program, Girls Ensemble performs participants were Marjery Johnson, Joyce Hildebrant, Carol Tolle, Jane Fenwick, Betty Lou Cochran, Dianne Parr, Janet Terrell & Betty Achor, accompanied by Virginia Hildebrant. --Wilmington News-Journal 23Apr1954p5
1954 Apr 26 Woman's Club, Home Demonstrators, Stork Shower for Mrs. Ernest Sullivan. --Wilmington News-Journal 26Apr1954p4
1954 Apr 28 Kathryn [sic] and Roberta Uible were dinner guests of their grandparents, M/M CJ Uible and more of the like. --Wilmington News-Journal 28Apr1954p10
1954 Apr 29 John McKibbens celebrate 17th wedding anniversary, & more. --Wilmington News-Journal 29Apr1954p6
1954 Apr 30 Fairview Women, Grange, Redeemers, Snow Hill Garden Club & more meetings. --Wilmington News-Journal Apr19

1964 April New Vienna News masthead
1964 Apr 1 Family dinners and who visited who on Easter, March 29.  --Wilmington News-Journal 1Apr1964p11
1964 Apr 2 More Easter visits --Wilmington News-Journal 2Apr1964p13
1964 Apr 3 Even more Easter guests and Church Of Christ Boosters Class. --Wilmington News-Journal 3Apr1964p9
1964 Apr 4 Always Faithful Class of Church of Christ and personal news. --Wilmington News-Journal 4Apr1964p7
1964 Apr 8 Farm Bureau Advisory Council & personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 8Apr1964p12
1964 Apr 9 Church of Christ Homebuilder Class & personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 9Apr1964p9
1964 Apr 11 Tarry-A-While Sewing Club & personals.  --Wilmington News-Journal 11Apr1964p7
1964 Apr 14 Birthday parties for Ernest Cochran and Herbert McKenzie, church and personal news. --Wilmington News-Journal 14Apr1964p9
1964 Apr 15 Baptist Missionary Society, and personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 15Apr1964p10
1964 Apr 17 Pam West's music recital; college students visit home & more. --Wilmington News-Journal 17Apr1964p7
1964 Apr 18 Methodist & Church of Christ news; personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 18Apr1964p8
1964 Apr 21 Scheduled events & personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 21Apr1964p8
1964 Apr 23 Enright Circle & personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 23Apr1964p9
1964 Apr 25 Church, Farm Bureau & personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 25Apr1964p8
1964 Apr 28 Cancer Fund drive, Boosters Class, SOS Class & personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 28Apr1964p5
1964 Apr 29 Grange, IOOF Lodge, Rudisill's new home, Lewis Thornburg's birthday & personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 29Apr1964p9

1974 April New Vienna News masthead
1974 Apr 3 - New Physicians: Two physicians, a man and his wife, Dr. Rudy & Dr. Vicky Ceballos, from the Philippines have agreed to establish  medical practice in New Vienna.  [This news was most likely released too soon, as it did not happen.] --Press-Gazette 3Apr1974p9

1974 Apr 6 - Meadows Subdivison on south side of New Vienna, adjoining the Highland-Clinton County boundary is reviewed for drainage and storm water disposal. --Wilmington News-Journal 6Apr1974p6
1974 Apr 11 - News Round-up: Mrs. Frank W. Davis, Correspondent; John Uible, Vincent Pratt, & Greg Dodd, Carriers. --Wilmington News-Journal 11Apr1974p9
1974 Apr 16  Teacher turnover at NV Elementary: Retiring are Mary Smith, Mary (Etta) Penn, Maru Anne Moore, and William Shipley, custodian.  Scott Custis will be the new custodian. --Wilmington News-Journal 16Apr1974p16

Friday, April 18, 2014

Duchemin House

Duchemin House c1910 New Vienna Ohio, now demolished, twin (w/improvements) to house on corner of College & 2nd Streets.  School Barn in background on left.  
Image Courtesy of Hayward Crone via Mike Whited.

New Vienna Building, Once Used for High School, Being Torn Down; Interesting History
By Maynard Ross
Clipping from unknown newspaper c1952  
courtesy of Margaret Rachford Dean (NVHS'53)

The former Duchemin residence, which once served as the high school building, is being torn down to make way for the new gymnasium.  The razing of the building has been under way for over a month.

Built around 1876 by Abraham Duchemin, the brick structure was the residence of the superintendant [this word is spelled incorrectly throughout the article – should be superintendent] of school for a number of years.

Although there are no facts to substantiate it, the story goes that Mr. Duchemin came to New Vienna from Cincinnati and began a brick kiln.  The kiln and his home were both located north of the present building and near the county line.  The large home that now goes by the name of the Fred Deck apartments was built by Frank Woodmansee some time very shortly before Duchemin began his house.  Apparently envious of the brick structure on the corner, he decided to outdo it and build himself a regular mansion.  His wife knowing his plans, had been saving carpets by laying one atop of the other in their small house.  Mr. Duchemin made the brick in his kiln and with the help of his family built the structure.  

The building was completed and the family moved in.  They finished it as best they could and for a number of years there were no doors, but lumber nailed together served the purpose.

What happened to the family I was unable to find out, other than the information in an obituary in the hands of Mrs. Geneva Phillips.  It states that Mrs. Abraham Duchemin passed away in 1887 and left five children, two sons and three daughters.  A few incidents of the family were related to me by Mrs. Phillips.  She recalled that one of the girls was very fond of riding and on one occasion was thrown in front of her house.  She remembered that this girl was apparently well-liked by the other youth of her age and that she wore a much-admired riding habit.  Mrs. Phillips said that she believed one of the daughters was still living and now resided in Arizona.

The building was a private residence until the fall of 1911 or 1912, when it became the high school.  The other building was being torn down for the construction of the present high school building.  

Charles Blackburn attended school in the building and he told me a few things about it.  There were no desks as are to be seen in school today, but rather straight chairs with a writing board on one arm.  The building was steam heated, but was never warm during the winter, Mr. Blackburn said, unless the boys built fires in the open grates.  Then the teacher and pupils would crowd around the fire and school would be in session.   The four upper grades attended school in this building; those that lived in the country were brought to school in horse-drawn school buses and the horses were quartered in the present VO-AG building.  The superintendant of the school at this time was Horace E. Cromer[1] and I understand he was a favorite teacher.

Another man who taught during this period but not at this time, was James Cadwaller[2], who was highly respected as a teacher.  The building again became a residence in 1919 and the school was moved into the new building.  The superintendant of the school used it as a residence until a short time ago.[3]

The razing crew under the direction of Wilbur Hodson have found that the structure was well-built and had to blast some of it.

I watched one afternoon as they tried to pull over a wall with a chain and cable hooked to a truck.  It was not successful as the cable broke each time the wall began to weave at the top.

To some of the people in town the razing of the building will be a loss, but to others it will be another step in progress to a better school system for the education of their children.

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[1] Horace Cromer was Supt. of Schools 1916-1919.  --New Vienna High School Memory Book 1881-1963 p7.
[2] J.L. (James) Cadwallader, Supt. 1909-1916.  Cadwallader became the first county Superintendent in August 1914. --NVHS Memory Book 1881-1963 p7.
[3] Among later Superintendents and families that lived in the Duchemin House were Forest Martin, Supt. 1928-33 & 1935-1940, grandfather of Larry Martin; Russell Fenwick, Supt. 1941-1963, father of Jane Allemang.

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And one other Duchemin related photo
Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" Duchemin 1868 - ?
Graduated NVHS 1886
Youngest Daughter of Abraham & Mary Elizabeth Woodmansee Duchemin
Married Edwin Dun[n] in 1893[4] 

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[4] Hillsboro News-Herald 28 Dec 1893 p5

Friday, April 4, 2014

1953 New Vienna School Addition

c1953 New Vienna School Addition Progressing - clipping from unknown paper, unknown date

With the exterior apparently finished, work is well underway on the interior of the addition to the New Vienna school, which is shown above.

The supports for the subfloor of the gymnasium are being prepared and on top of this will be placed a regular wooden floor and then a hardwood floor.  These supports, about 2x2 inch pieces, are fastened to the concrete floor with metal pieces.  They are being treated to resist dampness and insects and then tar is to be poured beneath and between them to serve as a cushion.

Practically all of the work in the farm shop and two classrooms in the addition is finished and several workmen are working on the stage.

The gymnasium will be one of the largest in the county when it is ready for use by next fall.  Thomas Rudisill, the New Vienna coach, said it will seat about 1,200 and with additional bleachers could seat 1,500.  It is understood that Highland county already is eyeing the New Vienna gymnasium for its 1954 cage tournament, which was held this year at Wilmington high school gymnasium, because none in Highland county is large enough.  New Vienna is on the edge of Highland county.