Wednesday, September 17, 2014

2003 St. Michael Church Closes -Sept.14

New Vienna's St. Michael Catholic Church celebrated a final closing Mass on Sunday, September 14, 2003.  The parishioners voted to have the building demolished in order to preserve the memory of the building in a sacred and good condition.  The Archdiocese, owner of the property, then sold the lot at the corner of Nordyke Road and Second Ave.  The Catholic Telegraph, in which this article appeared, is the monthly newspaper of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.  Transcription follows.
2003 St. Michael's Catholic Church closes -Sep.14
Clipping from The Catholic Telegraph - September 26, 2003 p.13
Captioned on left: Parishioners file into St. Michael Church in New Vienna for the Sept. 14 liturgy.  Captioned on right: Above, the final parish Mass in St. Michael Church in New Vienna. At left, parishioners hold hands during the singing of the  "Our Father."  CT photos by Tony Tribble.

St. Michael, New Vienna, closes Sept. 14

ST. MARTIN DEANERY –– On Sept. 14, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk celebrated the closing Mass at St. Michael Church, New Vienna.  During his homily he said:

"As we worship together to mark the closing of this parish that has been so dear to so many, God invites us to remember that sorrow and suffering are never the last words.  God always has something better in store for us.

When the church invites us to celebrate the triumph of the cross of Christ she also invites us to look forward to the triumph of all the crosses of those who follow him."

St. Michael Catholic Church - History

Photocopy courtesy of Margaret Rachford Dean from an unknown source, c1994, thought to have been written by the priest at that time, Father Ron Cooper.  Transcription follows.


The Village of New Vienna was laid out in 1827 by Mr. Thomas Hussey.  It is located in Clinton County beginning at the western boundary of Highland County.

The first Catholic pioneer in Clinton County settled near Cuba in 1807.  The first Mass was not said in the county until 1852.  This event took place in Wilmington, 10 miles north of New Vienna.  Father Thomas Blake said the first Mass in the home of Jerry Coakley on Sugartree Street.

Patrick Toohey was probably the first Catholic, who with his family settled in New Vienna in the winter of 1854.  The first Mass in the village was celebrated in Mr. Toohey's house in the spring of 1855 by visiting priests from Fayetteville, no doubt Father Thomas Daily and Father John B. O'Donoghue.  They continued to say Mass in his house until better accommodations were secured.

During this era there was a bitter prejudice against Catholics; however, those early Catholic settlers remained steadfast in their faith.  Today there is marked improvement in the feeling toward Catholics.

After Hillsboro, 12 miles to the south, had a resident pastor in 1854, New Vienna was attended by the pastor of St. Mary's Church there.  In 1874 the Catholics began taking steps to build a church and for that purpose purchased the property where the old school house used to stand (present site of St. Michael) for $500.00.  It was in 1874 that St. Michael Church was established.  During the two following years Mass was celebrated in this house.

In the summer of 1876, Father John B. O'Donoghue, pastor of St. Mary's Church, Hillsboro, began construction of the present church building which is where the old school house stood.  In the same year the cornerstone was laid and the church dedicated by Archbishop John B. Purcell of Cincinnati.  The cost of the building was about $1,000.00  At this time there were about ten Catholic families in New Vienna.

In 1899 Father Bernard Feeney was appointed the first resident pastor of St. Benignus Parish in Greenfield, Ohio, and St. Michael Church was assigned to him as a Mission.  The pastors of St. Mary's in Hillsboro had taken care of the Catholics in New Vienna for 45 years.  However, Father Feeney remained for only a few months, and Father A.F. Sourd was appointed pastor of St. Benignus.  In addition to St. Michael, New Vienna, he also took care of St. Joseph Church, Frankfort [Ross County]; and St. Mary Church, Waverly.

In 1905 Mrs. Ada Pemberton established Sunday School classes and instructed the children from New Vienna.  During the pastorate of Father John M. Sailer, a statue of St. Michael was purchased, and electric lights were installed.  Catechism was taught at 7:30 a.m. on the fourth Sunday of each month, and a High Mass and Sermon followed at 8:30.  There was also a Mass offered on the second Tuesday of each moth at 8:00 a.m.  the Higgins family donated  beautiful ciborium in memory of the parents James and Mary Higgins, in 1906.  Mr. Higgins carved the beautiful frames still being used in our Stations of the Cross.

The Christmas Mass was dropped in 1831, and the Tuesday Mass followed in 1935.  From this time on, Mass was offered on the last Sunday of the month only, except during the pastorate of Father John Anthony and Father Leo Herlihy.  Father Edward Lawler resumed the monthly Sunday Masses and began the offering of an evening Mass on holy days, except Christmas.

The Church was papered in 1929, and a new carpet placed in the sanctuary; in the same year a new roof was put on the church.  In 1946 the church was completely renovated, inside and outside, during the pastorate of Father Edwin Dittman.  Brother Bertrand Bailey, O.P., who lived with Archbishop McNicholas and was brought to Cincinnati in 1925, built a vestibule onto the church and erected a celtic cross over the church.  He also painted the church and installed new electrical fixtures which are still being used.  The floors were refinished, a canopy erected over the altar, and red drapes placed behind the altar.  Archbishop McNicholas donated the crucifix that hung over the altar (it is now in the priests's sacristy).  Father Dittman replaced the old pot-belly stove which stood in the middle of the church with an oil heater located in the rear of the church near where the confessional now stands.  He also had the grounds landscaped and placed shrubbery around in front of the church.  Miss Margaret Higgins was most generous in her help to Father Dittman.  In 1947 the statues of the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph were purchased, as well as the new tabernacle which now rests on the altar.

During the pastorate of Father Edward Lawler a sign was erected toward the front of the church grounds giving the time of the Mass (he changed the time to 11:30 on the last Sunday of the month and 8:00 p.m. on holy days).  In 1957 he had the outside of the Church painted and the roof was also repaired.  The following year rubber cushions were installed on the kneelers and at the Communion rail.  The Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus from Hamilton donated the chalice we now use in honor of Msgr. McNary, former pastor of Holy Trinity Church, Middletown.

Except for the catechism classes conducted by Mrs. Ada Pemberton from 1905 to 1907, parents instructed their children.  In 1941 the children in New Vienna went to Hillsboro where they were instructed by the Ursuline Nuns from Brown County.  In 1943 they went to St. Columbkille, Wilmington, where they were taken care of until the fall of 1962.  For the first time in the 107 years of Catholicity in New Vienna, and the 86 years since the Church of St. Michael was erected, weekly catechism classes were conducted by two Sisters from Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters living at St. Colman Convent, Washington Court House.  During the month of June the Sisters conducted a daily summer school of religion five days a week.

Beginning with the first Sunday in June, 1962, Mass was offered each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and continues on this schedule.  The holy day evening Mass remains at 8:00 p.m. and on the First Friday of each month.  Mass is offered on Christmas, and thanks to Mr. Anthony Peters we have a beautiful Crib.  Services are held during Lent consisting of the Rosary and Way of the Cross.  During Holy Week the Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday ceremonies are carried out; on Good Friday the Way of the Cross and sermon take place.  First Communion and May Crowning take place on Mother's Day.

During the fall of 1962 and through the spring of 1963, the whole interior of the church was remodeled.  The ceiling was lowered about 14 inches with acoustic tile blocks, wood panels (light above and dark below) covered the walls, and rubber tile was put on the floor.  Father Joseph V. Urbain, Pastor of St. Columban Church, Loveland, offered us the pews, Communion rail, sanctuary carpeting, credence table, large crucifix, confessional, sacristy cabinet, pamphlet rack, and bulletin board from his old church.  A generous benefactor in Greenfield donated a gas furnace and had it installed in the boys' sacristy.  The oil stove was taken away and Joe Derivan no longer had to haul the oil and light up each time Mass was offered!

A very charitable man from Dayton, 78-year-old Anthony J. Peters, came to live with Father Lay in Greenfield so that he could engineer the remodeling work simply 'for the love of God."  Tony had retired from his occupation as a stripe painter of horse-drawn wagons, and later on the older model automobiles, and he was quite handy as a carpenter.  He began his work of remodeling in the old church in Loveland - dismantling the pews and communion rail, the confessional and carpeting - then cutting the rail and pews to the correct size.  Our men transported these to New Vienna and were most helpful in the initial installation; Tony put the finishing touches to the job!  Lawrence Germann, Bob Dean, and Bill Baker painted the wood tim in Church and along the windows.  Two of our women, and a Quaker acquaintance, fixed the drapes.  Lou and Ed Chandler donated and poured the spacious concrete walk from the road to the Church after it had been prepared by Lawrence Germann, Harold Wallen, and Bill Baker.  The shrubbery in front of the church was donated and planted by Tom Brumley.  Everyone, child and adult alike, cooperated beautifully throughout we would be remiss if we didn't mention the numerous generous contributions by Mrs. Marjorie Sullivan.  The only part of the renovation done by a paid contractor was performed by Mr. Robert Birkhimer, Greenfield, at a very nominal cost.  Bob, his son Tom, and our own Harold Wallen put in the ceiling, the wood paneling, and the tile on the floor.  They did a beautiful job!  Indeed, St. Michael has obtained the blessing of God for us in New Vienna.  We look forward now to adding a room for catechists and two lavatories!

The Priest[s] listed between 1850 and 1874 ministered to Catholics in New Vienna from the neighboring parishes in Fayetteville and Hillsboro.

1850-1854 Father Thomas Daily
1854-1858 Father John B. O'Donoghue
1858 Father F.H. Marian (9 months)
1859-1860 Father Peter Perry

In 1874 St. Michael Parish was established.

1860-1880 Father Michael O'Donoghue
1880-1885 Father Michael Hays
1885-1887 Father William Miggeel
1887-1892 Father Lawrence M. Sullivan
1892-1893 Father Matthew P. O'Brien
1893 Father Joseph Shea (2 months)
1893-1899 Father Thomas Walsh
1899 Father Bernard Feeney (8 months)
1899-1904 Father Adolf F. Sourd
1904-1907 Father John F. Cogan
1907-1908 Father John M. Sailer
1908-1918 Father Joseph Michalowski
1918-1921 Father Francis Sieve
1921-1928 Father Henry Gramann
1928 Father Eugene Gerlach (8 months)
1928-1932 Father Urban J. Koehl
1932-1937 Father Alphonse Schumacher
1937-1945 Father Aloysius F. Leon
1945-1948 Father Edwin W. Dittman
1945-1948 Father Leo T. Hirlihy
1954-1956 Father John H. Antony
1956-1962 Father Edward F. Lawler
1962-1965 Father Francis B. Lay
1965-1969 Father Edwin Francis
1969-1982 Father Harold Bernard
1982-1985 Father Thomas Gavin
1985-1987 Father John Minic
1987-1993 Father James Brichetto
1993- ? Father Ron Cooper
 [? - 2003 Father Frank Klamput, M.D.]

[St. Michael's celebrated a final closing Mass on Sunday, September 14, 2003.  The parishioners voted to have the building demolished in order to preserve the memory of the building in a sacred and good condition.  The Archdiocese, owner of the property, then sold the lot at the corner of Nordyke Road and Second Ave.]

Monday, September 15, 2014

Catholic Church - New Vienna, Ohio postcard

St. Michael Catholic Church, New Vienna, Ohio - Postcard c1920.
Church was established between 1860-1870
Closed 2003, now demolished 

Monday, September 8, 2014

1974 New Vienna Rocked by Explosions - Wilmington News-Journal -Jan.28

New Vienna Rocked by Explosions 
Wilmington News-Journal - Jan.28, 1974
Gasoline in Sewer Blamed

NEW VIENNA –– This village was rocked by several explosions early today that ripped the inside of three buildings causing extensive damage.

An official at the scene said the explosions were apparently the result of gasoline spilled from a tank truck at the back of the Marathon Station, entering sewage lines.

New Vienna school, located five blocks from the explosions, was evacuated and a two block area around the explosion was sealed off.

The first explosion, which occurred at 8:45 a.m. at the Monarch Bar & Grill, owned by Dwayne Blackburn, totally destroyed the inside of the building.  The Monarch is two buildings down from the Marathon station.

A building owned by Lloyd Duff, on Main St. opposite the Monarch, received major damage from an explosion.  The back side of the house appeared to be shaken loose.

A home owned by Richard Curtis and rented by Mrs. Sadie Garen on West St., about a block away from the Marathon Station, also received heavy damage from an explosion.

Mrs. Garen said, "I was sitting on the couch and my son came to me and said he smelled gas.  I said I did too and checked the kitchen stove, then looked out the front window, and saw fire coming out of the sewer hole."  The sewer is right in front of Mrs. Garen's front door.

Mrs. Garen said she grabbed her four-year-old son and 18-month-old baby and ran out the back door.  As she was leaving she said she heard her "furnace blow."

Also she said that fire was coming out of a sewer, in back of the Curtis property, "as high as this ceiling."  Mrs. Garen went to a friend's house on Main St., where she and her children spent the morning.

The State Fire Marshal's office, the New Vienna and Wilmington Fire Departments, the Sheriff's Department and the New Vienna Police Department were on the scene.

1974 Sewer Explosions Rock New Vienna -Jan

Five Explosions Rock New Vienna
Bar Destroyed When Gasoline Explodes in Sewer
...fireman examines debris; no injuries were reported bud damage heavy.
--Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, January 29, 1974
by JIM ROHRER, Lebanon Bureau Chief

NEW VIENNA, OHIO – A series of five blasts, apparently caused by explosing [sic] gasoline in a storm sewer, rocked this village at about 8:45 a.m. Monday, destroying a bar and grill and knocking two homes from their foundations.

No one was injured in the blast, which occurred as village firemen were flushing gasoline from an overfilled tanker truck at the Mongold's Oil Co. bulk plant.

State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials, firemen, life squad members, and the state fire marshal's office remained at the scene late Monday trying to determine if the area was safe and what sparked the thunderous explosion.

Four families were known to have been evacuated from the area and told not to return Monday, and natural gas all over the area had been temporarily shut off to guard against further explosions. [latter part of sentence not true according to note on the clipping.]

About 75% of the natural gas service was restored to this community of 900 some 60 miles northeast of Cincinnati late Monday night, firemen reported.

The elementary-junior high school building in town as also evacuated.

Hardest hit was the Monarch Bar and Grill on Main Street near the bulk oil plant.

An explosion in the storm sewer under the building blew out the plate glass windows and destroyed the interior of the building, although the brick structure stayed erect.  No one was in the building at the time.  There was no fire damage to the building, and firemen said the explosions did not appear to have caused any fire damage anywhere.

A frame dwelling belonging to Della Duff across Main Street from the Monarch was knocked off its foundations, but two men who live in the house were not at home.  A third home nearby on a side street was also knocked off its foundation but no one was home.

Several walls in the Duff home were reported unsteady.

Assistant Fire Chief William Mahanes estimated there were five explosions, almost in a continuous series, as firemen hosed down spilled gasoline from the oil plant into the storm sewer.

He theorized that gas fumes might have built up in the storm sewer, and that a furnace spark might have ignited them.  There was no estimate of damage.

An EPA response team was testing the area for more gas fumes, and it was hoped a determination could be made before midnight as to whether the area was safe.

The Mongold plant was not damaged.  One observer noted that the oil plant sits atop a hill [a hill?!?], and all the buildings being rocks by explosions were downhill and in "valleys."

Firemen indicated that flushing gasoline into the storm sewer was a standard procedure.  Charles Knauff, owner of the oil company, said he had three trucks parked at the plant at the time, and that all were stationary.  He had no other comment.

Wilmington fire department also responded to the scene, which was roped off and evacuated.

August News 1964,1974

1964 Aug 1 New Vienna news: Masons, Eastern Star, upcoming family reunions and much personal news. --Wilmington News-Journal 1Aug1964p9

1964 Aug.4 Garden Club hosted Senior Citizen picnic; Lions Club holds annual picnic; Church of Christ Homebuilders and  WSCS also to hold picnics; Masons/Eastern Star hosted supper at the New Vienna firehouse to approximately 500 people; and personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 4Aug1964p5

1964 Aug 5 Mentions attendees at the Rhonemus reunion held in the Highland school building; Young family reunion held at Roadside Park on SR-62 south of Hillsboro; and the Rea reunion at the park in Washington C.H.  Plus personals.  --Wilmington News-Journal 5Aug1964p10

1964 Aug 7 Church of Christ ushers and Always Faithful class; Lions Club Picnic attendees; Walker-Cornelius camping trip; and personals.  --Wilmington News-Journal 7Aug1964p3

1964 Aug 11 Personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 11Aug1964p4

1964 Aug 12 New Vienna Barn Party was entertained by the "Blazers" a quartet featuring Edwin Perry, Clyde Wilson, Danny Blair and Gary Curtis, accompanied by Judy Thompson and Harry Mason. --Wilmington News-Journal 12Aug1964p13

1964 Aug 15 Personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 15Aug1964p9

1964 Aug 17 Farm Bureau, WSCS, Sunshine Stitchers, Birthday parties, and house guests. --Wilmington News-Journal 17Aug1964p3

1964 Aug 18 Leda Moyer [1883-1968] resigned as head cook at the New Vienna school after more than 31 years.  "Mrs. Moyer, who is in her 80's, has been called the dean of Ohio school cooks." --Wilmington News-Journal 18Aug1964p12

1964 Aug 20 Philip Baker (NVHS'59) and Janet Mohr marriage; Attendees at Farm Bureau and Baptist Church picnics, and list of those planning to attend Wilmington Friends Yearly Meeting. --Wilmington News-Journal 20Aug1964p24

1964 Aug 21 Upcoming events and personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 21Aug1964p4

1964 Aug 22 Mrs. George Henderson holds party for NVHS Class of 1928; Personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 22Aug1964p4

1964 Aug 24 School schedules; Snow Hill Garden Club; Personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 24Aug1964p3

1964 Aug 25 Personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 25Aug1964p3

1964 Aug 26 Mrs. Fenwick's father, Kirk Short, celebrates 88th birthday; Roberta Uible & Patty Baker and other children of the neighborhood are sponsoring a carnival in the field behind the Uible home.  There will be acts, stunts, and food during two performances.  Proceeds will go to the Ruth Lyon's Christmas Fund; Personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 26Aug1964p14

1964 Aug 28 Personals --Wilmington News-Journal 28Aug1964p3

1964 Aug 29 M/M William Cline celebrate 50th Anniversary; Revival at the Church of Christ; Meetings, Personals. --Wilmington News-Journal 29Aug1964p4

1964 Aug 31 Grange; Mother's Club, Lions Club, Farm Bureau and more.--Wilmington News-Journal 31Aug1964p3

1974 Aug 2 New Vienna Emergency Squad renovates rescue vehicle - Purchased for $475 from a Greenfield junkyard and spent less than $3000 on renovations.  Pictured are Bob Sonner and Delbert Morrow. --Wilmington News-Journal 2Aug1974p3

1974 Aug 13 New Vienna school staff for 1974-75 school year announced. James Luck, Principal; Mrs. Donald McKamey, kind; Mrs. Harry Allen & Mrs. James Allen, 1st; Mrs. Harry Carey & Miss Aleda Purtee, 2nd; Mrs. Harold Adams & Mrs. Kemp Allemang, 3rd; Mrs Orville Harner & Mrs. Virginia Hildebrant, 4th; Mrs. Wendell Compton & Mrs. James King, 5th; Mrs. Robert Streber & Mrs. Wm Wolfe, 6th grade; JH staff: Tom Ark, Mrs. Walker, Wm Wolfe, Roger Murphy, Mrs. West, Patrick Piper, Mrs. Vance & more. --Wilmington News-Journal 13Aug1974p7

August News from 1954

1954 Aug 2 Always Faithful Class of Church of Christ, Lions Club, Woman's Society of Christian Service (WSCS) of Methodist Church, Leininger family reunion, and more. --Wilmington News-Journal 2Aug1954p3

1954 Aug 3 Thornburg reunion, Cluxton family picnic,  & Rea reunion attendees; Birthdays celebrated by Dorothy Johnson, Geneva Johnson, Josephine Williams, and Mrs. Cary Hodson. --Wilmington News-Journal 3Aug1954p5

1954 Aug 5 Townsend family reunion, Strebers travel to Spokane WA, Fenwicks vacation in Florida. --Wilmington News-Journal 5Aug1954p9

1954 Aug 9 Hattie Bernard Carey [1864-1960] celebrated her 90th birthday. --Wilmington News-Journal 9Aug1954p11

1954 Aug 10 Walls, Koonts-Colan (Hershey), and Corzatt family reunions.  --Wilmington News-Journal 10Aug1954p11

1954 Aug 16 Mabel Davis announces she will be on vacation in Chicago for a few days and news for the week should be given to Bruce Kinzer (phone #294) in her absence. --Wilmington News-Journal 16Aug1954p10

1954 Aug 17 Curtis family reunion; Methodist Youth meet at Elinor Powell's; G.C. Williams [father of Kenny Williams] celebrates 71st birthday; Betty Thompson hosts bridge club; Roger McKenzie purchases property of Glenn McElwee at corner of Main and First Streets while the McElwee's purchase the former Neffner house at the corner of Second and College Streets [later occupied by the Bob Streber family]--Wilmington News-Journal 17Aug1954p11

1954 Aug 18 Officers of Volunteer Fire Dept. listed; Thomas Rulon, Gary and Larry Akers, celebrate birthdays.  --Wilmington News-Journal 18Aug1954p10

1954 Aug 19 Boosters Class Picnic attendees; Mt. Olive Ladies Aid; Fred Custis & Robert Blackburn celebrate birthdays. --Wilmington News-Journal 19Aug1954p14

1954 Aug 21 West-Penn Fairfield Townships Farm Bureau Council; Airman Gerald "Jerry" Cline returned to duty after death of his father C.W. Cline; Dorothy Ann Terrell celebrates birthday. --Wilmington News-Journal 21Aug1954p9

1954 Aug 23 Upcoming Events: Methodist Redeemers picnic, Grange program, Carey & Osborn family reunions.  --Wilmington News-Journal 23Aug1954p9

1954 Aug 25 New Vienna news includes Mrs. Mabel Davis, Correspondent, Philip Baker, Carrier. Big list of those attending the West Family reunion, and lots of personal mentions of who visited who, when and where.  --Wilmington News-Journal 25Aug1954p4

August News from 1944

World War Two impacts New Vienna –

1944 Aug 1 S/Sgt Clarence Irwin [NVHS'42] of New Vienna was wounded in action in France, the 11th Clinton County man to be reported wounded in action in France since the start of the invasion. --Wilmington News-Journal 1Aug1944p2 

1944 Aug 2 New Vienna solder, Pfc. Walter L. Harris is German prisoner of war. --Wilmington News-Journal 2Aug1944p2 

1944 Aug 3 M/M Henry Rhonemus celebrate 50th Anniversary. --Wilmington News-Journal 4Aug1944p8

1944 Aug 4 and 8 Sgt. Norman Greene on furlough, returns to New Vienna after 27 months in the South Pacific.  He married Jessie Debold on Aug 7, 1944. --Wilmington News-Journal 4Aug1944p8  and --Wilmington News-Journal 8Aug1944p5

1944 Aug 8 Pfc. Richard L. Smallwood, a former truck driver in New Vienna, was killed in action in France.  He was survived by his wife Olive Frances and daughter, Elsie Mae. --Wilmington News-Journal 8Aug1944p2

1944 Aug 9 Death of James E. Custis, born 1867.  Lived all his life in or near New Vienna.  Married Carrie Hildebrant (1868-1949) in 1889 and was the father of eight sons and five daughters.  All but two sons survived him. --Wilmington News-Journal 10Aug1944p2

1944 Aug 10 New Vienna Packing Plant - Canning Factory to open Aug. 14 and will run continuously until the end of the season.  Prospects for corn are good and more workers will be needed. --Wilmington News-Journal 10Aug1944p2

1944 Aug 12 Sgt. Dana Storer home on leave; several New Vienna families (Caplinger, Snell, Briggs, Ledford, Taylor, Curtis, Johnson, McKamey and Deck) enjoyed a picnic at Fort Hill. --Wilmington News-Journal 12Aug1944p3

1944 Aug 17 Soldiers appreciate receiving cigarettes; Russell Caplinger [1900-1988, NVHS'19] celebrated his birthday; and lots of people had dinner guests. --Wilmington News-Journal 17Aug1944p9

1944 Aug 24 New Vienna news has several paragraphs about Church of Christ events and personal mentions.  Mrs. Carl Deck, Correspondent; no carrier mentioned other than Francis Wade, Circulation Agent. --Wilmington News-Journal 24Aug1944p3

August News from 1934

1934 New Vienna news masthead from News-Journal (Wilmington, Ohio) -Aug.22
1934 Aug 3 Margaretha Baumann appointed Clinton County school music supervisor in addition to continuing as supervisor in New Vienna, Jefferson and Cuba.  She has been a music teacher in the county for nine years. --Wilmington News-Journal 3Aug1934p8 

1934 Aug 3 J. Ivan Schuler [1903-1980, NVHS'22], formerly a clerk in the Harris hardware store, is newly appointment postmaster of New Vienna.  He replaces Monte Coffin who had been postmaster since 1923.  His father, John F. Schuler, who operates a New Vienna blacksmith shop, will act as Asst. Postmaster. --Wilmington News-Journal 3Aug1934p8

1934 Aug 4 Dodson pool room in New Vienna was the scene of robbery of two vending machines, a penny peanut vending machine and a 5¢ "race horse" device. --Wilmington News-Journal 4Aug1934p6

1934 Aug 8 C. Merlin Davis has opened a funeral home in New Vienna.  For the last three years he has lived in New Vienna and has been manufacturing chemicals for funeral directors.  [After Davis' death in 1948 this business became Smith Funeral Home. His wife, Mabel Osborn Davis 1890-1968, was the long time New Vienna correspondent for the Wilmington News-Journal.] --Wilmington News-Journal 8Aug1934p8

1934 Aug 14 - New Vienna News, Blanche Deck, Correspondent, Allen Simkins, Agent; Barr family reunion.  --Wilmington News-Journal 14Aug1934p5

1934 Aug-16 Oil stolen from New Vienna gasoline station - 130 gallons of oil valued at $80 was taken from D.R. Smith station [later Shell] and the burglars stole Smith's Chevrolet truck to haul away their loot.  The truck was found parked near Willetsville but the oil was gone. --Wilmington News-Journal 16Aug1934p2

1934 Aug 21 Death of Olive Spear Brown (1862-1934, NVHS'1882, descendant of pioneer New Vienna resident Zephaniah Spear 1807-1896.)  More can be read about her in the blog post about the c1940 Historic Brown Home--Wilmington News-Journal 21Aug1934p8

August News from 1884, 1894, 1904, 1924

1884 Aug 2 New Vienna News: The M.E. [Methodist] Church is being frescoed; an infant found on a local veranda has died; wheat prices are low but corn is reviving; Davis Sewing Machine salesman has been in town; fire destroys Hezekiah Hildebrant's smokehouse but lack of wind kept the town from suffering a terrible conflagration; and the Christian Church had a grand picnic in Spears' Grove near Snow Hill. --Highland Weekly News 7Aug1884p8

1884 Aug 13 The New Vienna Band has been reorganized, making the second band in New Vienna; other bands in the county include two in Wilmington, one each at Sabina, New Burlington and Reesville [and a brass band in Farmers Station]. --Wilmington Journal 13Aug1884p3

1884 Aug 13 Jeff Conway was taken to the County jail to "lodge with Sherriff Smith," having been tried before A.S. Amberg, Mayor of New Vienna and charged with crime of selling property on which there was a mortgage, sentenced to sixty days.  The next morning he was released due to errors in the paperwork. --Wilmington Journal 13Aug1884p3

1884 Aug 13 Teachers Announced New Vienna & Green Township Schools: New Vienna school, J.F. Fenton, principal; Alice E Mory, grammar; Mrs. Clara E. Brown, second intermediate; Amma C. Lewis, first intermediate; J.J. Glenn, Maple Grove; Edgar Reeder, Oak Grove; O.L Fordyce, Second Creek School. --Wilmington Journal 13Aug1884p3

1884 Aug 17 New Vienna News: Weather dry, business dull; Joel Brewer & Frank Cornell, are proprietors of the NV St. George Hotel; George Lawrence's horse ran away with him in town, demolishing a buggy wheel and harness; death of Frances Williams, wife of Thomas who is widely and favorably known; turnpikes currently under construction will make New Vienna roads complete except one to Lynchburg. --Highland Weekly News 20Aug1884p8

1884 Aug 20 John Harrison - Accident or Suicide?  Fell from a window and was fatally injured. Was a popular landlord of the Harrison House at corner of [what is now Dollar Store location] SR-73 and SR-28. --Wilmington Journal 20Aug1884p3

1894 Aug 2 A one-day special free medical treatment offered in Dr. France's private parlors of New Vienna's Fealy Hotel [building later became Wells Mfg].  Offer includes surgery and all medicines.  --Hillsboro News-Herald 2Aug1854p4

1894 Aug 9 Personal news of who visited who from the New Vienna Reporter. --Hillsboro News-Herald 9Aug1894p8

1894 Aug 30 New Vienna Reporter news: Description of a colored picnic written in what now would be considered a racist manner.  In summary the "exciting and hair-raising" event held in Smith's Grove, near New Vienna, resulted in a fellow "Jenkins" shooting Bert Taylor in the shoulder.  --Hillsboro News-Herald 30Aug1894p1

1904 Aug 10 New Vienna news: New Vienna Bank building repairs are nearing completion and the entrance is moving to the northwest corner instead of the center of the building. A proposed town band project has fallen through and the town is without a band. Anna Powell (1881-1967), 4th grade teacher at New Vienna, has resigned due to her marriage to Dr. Francis Robert Terrell.   --Wilmington News-Journal 10Aug1904p1 and --Wilmington News-Journal 10Aug1904p1

1904 Aug 24 New Vienna news: Teacher info includes names of Zylpha (Zilpha?) West, Gertrude Good, Julia Polk, and Anna Powell Terrell. Also mentions "aged" couple, Mr. and Mrs. Drummond Smithson, who left the County Infirmary to get married and were later "returned." --Wilmington News-Journal 24Aug1904p1

1904 Aug 24 Isaac W. Matthews 1840-1904 obituary. Served as New Vienna Postmaster;  Clinton County Treasurer, 1884-1888; and "was a Union Soldier in the Civil War, enlisting early and serving three years, then re-enlisting.  Shortly after his second enlistment he had a leg shot off at Winchester, VA, and the wound never healed."  He is buried in New Vienna IOOF cemetery.  He was the son of John "Judge" Matthews and Sarah Woodmansee Matthews.  He married Sylvia Shockley, who survived, in 1868 and was the father of three daughters. --Wilmington News-Journal 24Aug1904p5 and

1924 Aug 18 Death of Mrs. Daisy Spear, 38.  Survived by husband Ervin, son Fred, parents M/M Joseph Summers, six sisters and three brothers.  Buried in New Vienna IOOF Cemetery. --Wilmington News-Journal Abstracts, 1924-28, p.23.