Thursday, May 30, 2013

1883 New Vienna News - May 30

The following is clipped from The Highland Weekly News (Hillsborough [Hillsboro], Highland County, Ohio) May 30, 1883.  Transcription follows.
1883 NV News - May 30 
Highland Weekly News, Hillsboro, Ohio


Harry Hinman, of Springfield, Ill., is visiting his parents here.

Miss Nettie Downey of Winchester, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.F. Fenton

T.E. Hildebrant is remodeling his dwelling, and improving his premises generally.

Mrs. Clara Shcott [Schott?], of Chattanooga, is visiting her mother and sister Hannah at this place.

Rev. J.R. Powell has removed to Washington C.H., but will continue to preach here as formerly.

Mary Hetherington and her neice Maggie, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, are visiting at Sam Hetherington's in this place.

C.C. Bowers and family of this place, removed to Port William this week where Mr. Bowers is running a drug store.

Arrangements are being made for Decoration Day, Hon. Mills Gardner, of Washington C.H., will be orator of the day, and Rev. J.G. Black, chaplin.

Dr. A.H. Lindly [Lindley] is traveling in the interest of the New Vienna Medicine Company.  He reports good success and ready sales for all their medicines.

Duchemin Brothers are pushing the work very rapidly on their new business block. When finished it will be the finest row of buildings in the place.

Canvassing committees are vigorously working in the interest of the Columbus & Cincinnati Midland Railroad, and will endeavor to complete their work this week.

Zadock Miller was so unfortunate as to have the small finger of his left hand served [severed] at the hand.  The finger will probably grow fast but will only be a show finger as there will be no joint to it.

Mr. A.H. Kohr, secretary of the People's Mutual Benefit Association, at Westerville, O., spent last  Monday and Tuesday in this place.  He paid Mrs. Thomas E. Hale $1,000 in consequence of the death of her husband, who carried a policy for that amount.

The annual commencement of our public schools took place in the Baptist Church at this place on last Thursday night.  The graduating class consisted of Harry Brewer, Clayton Nordyke, Nellie Conard, Marley Rayburn, and Ella Blackburn.  Our schools have been making exhibits of their progress before the public for two weeks one room each day.  Last Friday was the closing day, and a large audience was present to witness the exercise.  Our school has never given such universal satisfaction as during the past winter, although hindered for several weeks by the mumps and measles.  The same corps of teachers is employed for the next term except Mrs. L.A. Henry and Miss Emma Wright, who retire voluntarily.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

1963 8th Grade Party - May 29

The NV eighth grade class of 62-63 finished their last year at New Vienna School and celebrated with a party, which was written up in the Wilmington News-Journal.  Transcription follows.

Eighth Graders Have Gala Party

When games, a barn dance, lots of good food and a hayride are combined into one evening it's bound to be quite a party.

That's what happened to the New Vienna eighth graders Wednesday night. It was also their farewell to the New Vienna school as they consolidate with Simon Kenton in the fall.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eltzroth had the party for the class at their place with room sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eltzroth and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisher.  Other chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Uible, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Linkhart, Mr. and Mrs. George Gano and Mrs. Mary Nischwitz.

The evening started with a softball game and then a barbecue.  The barn had been cleaned and the class had decorated it in blue and white.  They sat on bales of straw, a long table held assorted food and an amazing scarecrow made the teen table setting.

After the barbecue everyone danced to the records.  The first dance was started by the king and queen, Greg Linkhart and Shirley Bernard and attendants, Linda Eltzroth and Larry Pope, Weegie Hughes and Walter McVey.

The hayride wound up the evening with Thomas Swingley the driver.

Additional guests at the party were Mr. and Mrs. William Cochran and Neil, Chrystal and Brian Linkhart, Lee and Larry Eltzroth, John Uible and Jennifer Gano.

Classmates who attended were: Catholyn Smith, Faye McCune, Keith Collins, Marlena Burns, Mike Purtee, Ann Harper, Linda Eltzroth, Marilyn Vanzant, Greg Linkhart, Shela Puckett, Fred Nester, Linda McVey, Carolyn Collier, Patty Walker, Weegie Hughes, Nancy Henderson.

Ronnie Myers, Linda Sue Rollins, Mike Whited, Sandy Nischwitz, Mike Stackhouse, Gary Orbaugh, Frances Freeland, Alice Fisher, Catherine Uible, Dianne Wilson, Sybil Gano, Dianne Burton.

Pete Walls, Susan Deck, John Stuber, Linda Brooks, Shirley Bernard, Walter McVey, Larry Pope, Jim Dayton and Carolyn Vanzant.
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May news from "3" years

1873 and 1883 news from the Highland Weekly News, published in Hillsboro, Ohio 1853-1886; 1893 and 1913 news from the Hillsboro News-Herald; 1943 news from Hillsboro's Press Gazette. Other sources as listed below.

May 8, 1873 - Monthly Stock Sale – Major Higgins, of New Vienna, 3 head at about $150.  [Horses and mules were sold - prices ranged from $100 to $235 for a horse, $75 for a mule.  Major Asa Higgins served in the Civil War, 1861-1864.]

May 29, 1873 - Mr. Jno M. Arthur, formerly of Hillsboro, died of Consumption [tuberculosis] at the residence of his uncle, Edwin Arthur, Esq., in New Vienna.  He had struggled bravely against the insidious disease for several years past, but finally succumbed.  About 3 years ago he was admitted to the bar of this county, but his health has been too feeble to admit of his attending to business.  He was about 33 years of age, unmarried, and had many friends.  [John M Arthur 1841-1873, was a Civil War veteran.  His mother, Sarah Ann Quinn Arthur was a sister of New Vienna's Dr. T.C. Quinn, died at the age of 28 when John was three-years-old.  His father, John T. Arthur died at the age of 42 in 1860.  John's sister Courtney died at age three, and his brother Isaac died at Andersonville, GA, while serving in the Civil War at the age of 21.]

May 2, 1883 - West Point Cadet Candidates included two young men from New Vienna: Frank O. Wright [NVHS 1884] and Harry F. Brewer [NVHS 1883].  The successful candidate was W.A. Stamats of Lynchburg.

May 23, 1883 - Dr. Lindley, of the New Vienna Medicine Company, recently organized in that place, was in town last week and called at the News office to make a contract for advertising their medicines.  They are all recommended as tried and valuable remedies.  The company organized for their manufacture is a strong one, composed of some of the best citizens of New Vienna, Rev. Daniel Hill being president and J. M. Hussey business manager.

[Separate but related ad on same page.] FITS CURED - New Vienna Medicine Co., is now offering Dr. Lindley's Fit Cure.  Stops the attacks of Epilepsy immediately.  No fits, spasms, or convulsions after the first day's use.  A Tril [sic] Bottle FREE. Price, $1.50.  For sale by druggists.

May 23, 1883 - Albert M. Perrin and Miss Nancy E. Smittle were united in the holy bonds.  They will reside south of New Vienna.

May 4, 1893 - Dr. Ed Brown was thrown from a buggy and sustained a broken leg.

May 4, 1893 - Carey Woodmansee [of Highland] has secured a position as clerk in a dry goods house in New Vienna.

May 8, 1913 - Death of Charles Turner at his home in Fairfield Township, near New Vienna.  Born in New Jersey in 1833, he moved to Highland County in 1850 in a trip that took 17 days. He worked in Leesburg as a Blacksmith before retiring.  He was survived by his daughter, Harriet Teter.  His wife, Martha Henley Turner, died in Feb. 1913.

May 29, 1913 - Henry Brown (NVHS'08), who will graduate soon from the Miami Medical College in Cincinnati, has received an appointment as an intern in the Jewish Hospital of Cincinnati. [Owner of the historic house written up in the vintage NV House tour.]

May 29, 1913 - Ralph E. Carey, of New Vienna, is one of 14 boys entered in the Boy's Corn Growing Contest for a free trip to Washington D.C.  Four trips will be awarded thanks to the sponsorship of local businesses.  One of the sponsors is the New Vienna Bank and Grain Dealers.

May 6, 1933 - Alie Stingley, supt. of Adams township schools for the last 11 years, has been elected superintendent of New Vienna schools for a one-year term. [Mansfield News-Journal]

May 18, 1943 - Wedding Announcement of Cpl. James Edwards [NVHS'41, New Vienna and Maxola Murrey of Marietta.

May 8, 1953 - Pete, the hiccuping Hereford, was to be returned to the R.J. Curtis farm in New Vienna, after his rumblings - abdominal and phenomenal - stumped all the experts at the Ohio State University veterinary clinic.  The experts say Pete has an "over stimulated phrenic nerve." [Sandusky Register]

Sunday, May 19, 2013

1943 Graduation - May 20

NVHS Class of 1943 pictured in 1998: Harold Uible, Paul Rulon (NVHS'39) and Virginia Wayland Rulon, Willis Davis, Darold Whitmer, Dorsey Green, Bruce Kinzer
 1943 Commencement Announcement
1943 Clipping about NVHS Commencement - May 24 WNJ [transcribed below]
1943 Baccalaureate Program NVHS
1943 Commencement Program - May 20

Undated clipping from unknown newspaper, probably Wilmington News-Journal May 24, 1943.  Transcription follows.

Commencements Held at New Vienna, Wayne and Jefferson.

Diplomas were awarded to 42 graduates at three Clinton County high school commencements Thursday night, including one boy who already is serving in the U. S. Army.

Twenty-three Blanchester high school seniors will receive their awards at exercises Friday night.

New Vienna
New Vienna high school commencement exercises were held Thursday at 8 P.M. at the school auditorium when 18 seniors received their diplomas. 

The invocation was given by Rev. F. H. Smith.

Dr. J. Ruskin Howe, president of Otterbein College, gave the address on the theme, "Education for Democracy."

Melvin Long won the Wilmington College scholarship for the highest grades.  Sine he will be unable to attend college due to his being a member of the U.S. Naval Reserve, a special scholarship was awarded to Aleda Purtee, who was second.  Honors went to Harold Uible for being third in the class.

Diplomas were presented by Superintendent R. W. Fenwick to Dorsey Green, Bruce Kinzer, Willis Davis, Duane Powell, Delbert Floyd, Virginia June Wayland [Rulon], Harold H. Uible, Aleda Purtee, Barbara Ellen Penn [Nash], Virginia Mae Hedrick [Ludwick], Melvin Eugene Long, Lawrence Newbrey, Jr., Edward Earl Roush, Dale Edmond Everhart, Darold Whitmer, Helen I Crone [Murphy] and Grace Bachus [Grace Backus Wheeler].

Sunday, May 12, 2013

1963 4-H New Vienna Tasty Club

An undated clipping presumably from the Wilmington News-Journal, May 1963.  Transcription follows.


The Tasty Club met Tuesday in the school cafeteria at 3:30.

Sybil Gano led us in the 4-H pledge.

Everyone must have their membership cars in by May 31.

We elected the officers for 1963.  They are president, Ann Harper; vice president, Carolyn Collier; secretary, Catherine Uible; treasurer, Debra Brumley; reporter Alice Fisher; recreation leaders, Patti Baker and Valerie Allen; health and safety leader, Dianne Burton.

The officers training meetings is tonight at Denver Place School.

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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Christy Home "Few Fields" c1850

Sixth in a series of articles from the Wilmington (Ohio) News-Journal about the New Vienna Pilgrimage of Old Houses in the spring of 1953. A photocopy of this article was obtained from the Clinton County Historical Society. For list of other articles see links at the end of this article. Transcription follows.   Of the seven WNJ articles about old homes in New Vienna, this is the only one that contains the source and the date. [Notes added in bracketed italics.]
Christy House - Wilmington News-Journal clipping - May 28, 1953

"Few Fields," located two miles southeast of New Vienna on Pan Handle [sic] road or what was once known as the Hillsboro and New Vienna turnpike, is one of the old landmarks of this community. It was the original home of Dr. A. T. Johnson who started his practice at New Vienna in 1859.

In 1862 he was appointed by Gov. Todd, surgeon of the 48th Ohio Volunteer Infantry in which he served with great distinction.  Upon his return he resumed his practice in New Vienna until his death here in 1887.

A few years later the farm was transferred to Walter J. Bates who in turn transferred it to John A. Murry [Murray was Bates' wife's maiden name, she had a brother named John] in 1915.  It was purchased by its present owner, Parley F. Christy [1900-1992], a former architect of Cincinnati, in March, 1937.  In 1946 the Christy's restored and remodeled the house to its present state.

The house is of the old conventional frame construction, hand [page torn] and corner posts held together by the use of pegs and wrought iron nails. Materials used were oak, walnut and poplar extensively.

All panes in the original windows are the old hand blown glass which are far from the modern thermopanes of today but perhaps more interesting to look through because of the many distorted shapes into which objects can be turned.

The plan of the house was of the early American center hall type with fire places and a basket type grate for heating facilities.  The kitchen fireplace was restored and equipped with a new mantel, crane and woodbox of early American design and is located in a paneled wall opposite the modern kitchen working facilities.

The original light fixtures which are of the ceiling pull-down, kerosene type with the hobnail glass domes and brass ornamentation were converted to electric.

The old grandfather's clock that embellishes the wall of the early American furnished dining room is truly an Ohio antique since it was in Mrs. Christy's side of the family for 150 years and in its present location is now only a few miles from its original home.  It was purchased by Mrs. Christy's great-great-great-grandfather Thomas Wright in the year 1813.  He lived near the Mt. Auburn vicinity.

Lending "Few Fields" a weathered and mellow look are the six large maple trees and the one huge elm that with the house have withstood the storms of many hears gone by.

Hostesses during the pilgrimage will be Mrs. Vinton Wolfe [Leone Hack Wolfe 1908-2000], Mrs. Lou Dever, Mrs. Frank Cunningham and Mrs. Delbert West.

* * * * *
Houses in the 1953 New Vienna Pilgrimage of Old Houses include:
Yet to be featured:
  • Charles Blackburn House built 1838